July 2024

Bike Storage at Home: #SpokesComp results

Storing your bike, or family bikes, is impossibly hard for some people and a doddle for others (until a thief calls!) Our Summer Competition showed just how important it is, but also how complex and difficult it can be, and how it depends so much on personal circumstances such as where you live and […]

Bike sheds breakthrough?

Nov 1 update: Finalised Spokes submission here

After nearly a decade of lobbying, the Scottish Government at last appears to be seriously considering allowing families to install a modest front garden bike storage shed without the hassle, uncertainty and £200+ cost of seeking planning permission. However, their proposals need tweaking or we will […]

#SpokesMtg… bike . e . cargo . hire . storage

Summing up the meeting, our QA chair, Dr Caroline Brown, said that the dots are starting to join up…

Cargo Bikes start work this month supporting Leith Walk businesses during the 18-month tramline construction Secure Bike storage starts installation on a significant scale by Spring 2020 E-bike Cycle Hire starts operation Spring 2020 – […]

New Cycling Solutions for Edinburgh … Nov 15 #SpokesMtg

Don’t own a bike??  Nowhere to store a bike??  Need more carrying capacity??

Many of the restrictions which used to limit bike travel and transport are fading thanks to new innovations and opportunities, including cycle hire, secure bike storage and growing use of cargo bikes.  Find out what’s happening from the people delivering the […]

Spokes Bulletin 135 – targets v. actions

The Scottish Government has set bold climate targets, but these must be matched by bold actions – particularly on transport, Scotland’s biggest emissions source.


Spokes Bulletin 133 – Climate/Transport/Cycling… is ScotGov serious?

In the last 1-2 years, the Scottish Government has significantly upped its support for cycling. But … at the same time it is boosting road and air travel, and its forecasts fortell a frightening future…


Inactive Travel?

Spokes has written to Edinburgh City’s Transport Convener, Cllr Lesley Macinnes, about the extensive and lengthening delays in implementing planned cycle and walking projects, many of which are now on hold.


Transport Cttee 1.11.16 … Bike storage ↑↑ … Bus lanes ↓↓

Edinburgh Council’s November Transport Committee both delights us (on secure bike storage) and appals us (on bus lane cuts) …


Super(?)markets Bikepark Project

Nipping down to your local shop or supermarket by bike can be so quick and simple. It provides your daily dose of physical activity and helps the city keep down congestion and pollution. So why do some stores make bikes into second class citizens?


Spokes Bulletin 118

Out now! … Edinburgh progress in sustainable transport; Preventing Haymarket tramline crashes; Transport & Planning: failure in joined-up thinking; Council Local Transport Strategy supplement; Everyday bike use pictures; and loads more…
