Note that Holyrood Park is the responsibility of the Scottish Government, who have delegated its management (including roads and paths) to Historic Environment Scotland (HES). Therefore comments/ queries about the park should go to HES and/or your MSPs, rather than to Edinburgh Council.
2312 Historic Environment Scotland consulting on a draft 10-year Strategic Plan (which includes traffic removal or high reduction) Consultation page / Draft Plan / Draft Plan appendices / Spokes tweet / Car-Free Holyrood blog & response / Spokes response /
2106 Historic Environment Scotland consulting on Park car access options Consultation page Spokes response
2104 Holyrood Park – Inclusive & Equitable Access … comprehensive blog by Car Free Holyrood
- Part 1 – how closure promotes inclusivity & equality for all ages & abilities
- Part 2 – additional measures (including access hub) to further enhance inclusivity
2008 Holyrood Park tops CEC Spaces for People Commonplace survey: report on this by Car Free Holyrood
1902 HES ranger correspondence re traffic & cycling in Holyrood Park
1803 Letter from Park management to Northfield & Willobrae CC [pdf]
1710 Letter from Park management to a Spokes member [pdf]
1709 Hopeless Park entry-point wins top Spokes comp prize [link]
1604 Spokes Holyrood Park circular [pdf] to members in wide area round Holyrood Park, prior to the Holyrood May 2016 election, asking them to speak to candidates.
1511 Living Streets letter jointly with other organisations including Spokes, asking for a traffic management re-think, including a 20mph limit and better routes for people walking or cycling. Government reply – HES will be conducting a review and will consult.