- For south of Kings Buildings, see our South Edinburgh page
- For other adjacent areas e.g. Old Town, City Centre check the area-based links here
- MGS – Council webpage on the Meadows to George Street project
- Post-covid (Travelling Safely) ETRO schemes (largely bollarded + Meadows-Greenbank quiet route) – see post-covid page (South)
- For Spokes submissions on more general Edinburgh policy issues see this page.
2409 Prestonfield Rd & Priestfield Rd street improvements (including trees), with road closure near Prestonfield Primary school / consultation page / the two most relevant drawings are Plan 3 Plan 4 / Spokes response /
2404 MGS (Meadows to George St) TRO/21/32 & RSO/21/08 [also 2312, 2201 & more below] Orders published for objections / TRO/21/32 / plans / List of TRO measures / Reasons / RSO/21/08 / project website / Council news release / Spokes submission on the Orders /
2312 MGS (Meadows to George St) TRO/21/32 [also 2201 below] A second stakeholder consultation (unclear why) / Spokes response /
2310 Greenbank-Meadows Quiet Connection consultation on options to feed into the planned ETRO legal process. See our post-covid ETRO page.
2302 Grange Road TRO/21/17B junction changes at Tantallon Pl – Cumin Pl / Plans / Statement of Reasons / Spokes response /
2202 Newbattle Terrace TRO/21/31 stakeholder consultation [also 2012 below] Plans Spokes response Council reply
2201 MGS (Meadows to George St) TRO/21/32 [also 1907, 1808, 1712 below] Statement of Reasons Plans [9.2MB pdf] Spokes response to Stakeholder consultn
2101 New Filmhouse on Festival Square [previous PAN consultn 2003 below] Full Planning App omits cycleroute. Spokes objection
2012 Newbattle Terrace revised proposals [was 2008 below] Consultation page Spokes response Consultation response & decision [scheme watered down to scrap proposed 1-way]
2009 Causey Project TRO/17/101A RSO/18/01A These are identical to 1802 below, which had expired Spokes response
2008 Newbattle Terrace Resurfacing & ‘place’ improvements map1 map2 map3 map4 Spokes South Ed response Blackford Safe Routes response Council response to Spokes
2003 New Filmhouse on Festival Square Consultation Spokes response
1908 Astley Ainslie hospital site Consultation Spokes response
1907 MGS (Meadows to George St) ‘Concept Design’ consultation Spokes response [pdf, 3MB]
1905 Canal-Meadows Consultation Detailed proposals map Spokes response
1810 Grange Rd crossings (see also 1802 & 1609 below) Draft TRO drawings [pdf] Spokes response [pdf]
1808 MGS (Meadows to George St) Initial consultation. Council web page. Spokes initial reponse – project background & principles. (1810) Council response to consultation – Brief report [pdf] Map-based summary of comments [pdf]
1802 Quartermile site (see also 1702) Council will assess the 1-ways here, in light of cyclist exemption policy
1802 Causey Project TRO/17/101 & RSO/18/01 Spokes comments [pdf]
1802 Grange Rd crossings (see 1609 below) Final plans – briefing sheet consultation page Spokes response
1712 MGS (Meadows to George St) Council briefing sheet following CL+ bid success. [1707] Council bid for CL+ funding [pdf 4MB] Spokes presentation on deliverability to judging panel [ppt].
1712 Causey Project Spokes comments on draft TRO (prior to TRO being issued for public comment/objection)
1706 Causey Project (1609 below) Revised proposals re-instate the cycle lanes!
1706 QR30 Holyrood Park to Ratcliffe Terrace NB: despite its name, one important intention behind this proposal is to improve the Pollock Halls to Mayfield/KB route. Summary Consultation website Spokes response
1705 Nicolson Street / Clerk Street ‘Town Centre’ Guidance Consultation website Circular to South Ed members (on this & other items) Spokes response
1702 Quartermile final(?) planning application 17_00168_FUL Very disappointing plans, still cyclist dismount & 1-way streets Planning application Spokes objection
1612 QR6 Meadows – Castle Terrace Summary Detailed drawings Consultation website Spokes response
1609 Causey Project (TRO/RSO traffic orders) … Circular to South Edinburgh Spokes members, covering both 1609 topics [pdf] Spokes objection [pdf] TRO/RSO summary TRO/16/44Plan TRO/16/44Order RSO/16/12Plans RSO/16/12Order
1609 Grange Road crossings (consultation) … Circular to South Edinburgh Spokes members, covering both 1609 topics [pdf] scheme summary Tantallon Pl crossing map Lauder Rd crossing map Spokes response [1704] Consultation report
1503 Marchmont-KB onroad route Consultation responses summary [pdf 197k]. Response to Spokes submission [pdf 73k].
1411 Marchmont-KB onroad route Consultation page [link]. Consultation leaflet [pdf 605k]. Spokes response [pdf 123k].
1411 QBiC Useful ideas by EdinburghBikeLanes blog on possible future segregated options.
1409 Canal-Meadows Official report of 1403 workshop [3MB]. Detailed plans for public comment [1409] [pdf 1.3MB]. Spokes submission [pdf 68k].
1406 Meadows-Innocent Outcome of consultation [pdf 175k]. Most of our points [1312 below] have been accepted in the revised plans.
1403 Canal-Meadows Council workshop to scope preliminary ideas [pdf 299k]. Our notes from the workshop [pdf 137k].
1312 Meadows-Innocent Council consultation on proposed route. Spokes response [pdf 68k].
1311 Morningside to Myreside path opportunity Redevelopment of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital offers a great opportunity – but the path plans need improved and greatly speeded up. Spokes circular to local members [pdf 106k].
1308 South-Central 20mph zone – Evaluation Report [pdf 3MB] Very positive report, supporting bolder 20mph future policy.
1304 QBIC Survey of Spokes members (also covered Princes Street & tramlines)
1212 QBIC Interesting blog by Council Leader Cllr Andrew Burns, and useful discussion in comments on the blog.
1211 North Meadow Walk upgrade The government offered last-minute new cycling money in the draft budget, to be spent this financial year. Spokes urged the council to apply to upgrade North Meadow Walk, as this could be done in the very limited timescale – and the council bid successfully. Draft plans are here… West section [pdf 417k] East section [pdf 343k]. Spokes is consulting local members in the very short time available.
1211 Post-QBiC traffic count [link to news story] First Spokes count after QBiC (nearly) completed.
1208 QBiC post-installation issues [pdf70k] This document reports problems with the implementation of QBiC – it is not commenting on the concept of QBiC.
1104 Revised QBiC proposals – discussion with council [pdf 63k] Spokes requested a meeting to discuss changes made as a result of the consultation – overall very pleased with the changes. Biggest remaining problem is need for red surfacing throughout – letter to Transport Convener Cllr Mackenzie re red surfacing [pdf 60k].
1012 Final Spokes submission on QBC [pdf 95k]
1012 Final Spokes submission on 20mph consultation [txt 4k] Currently we expect the report on this and the QBC consultation to go to the Council Transport Committee in February 2011, where a final decision is likely to be taken on whether to go ahead, and on any final changes to the proposals.
1011 Preliminary Spokes thoughts on the Quality Bike Corridor [rtf 20k]. This document also includes a note from the Council as to why nothing is shown for cyclists northbound between Potterrow and Teviot triangle.
1011 Preliminary Spokes thoughts on the 20mph proposal [rtf 10k].
1010 Spokes news item about the consultation [link]
1010 Quality Bike Corridor – official pages [link]. The consultation pages include a QBC consultation leaflet [pdf 550k] and also detailed drawings of the entire route [at the above link – many MB to download].
1010 20mph-zone – official pages [link]. The consultation pages includes a 20mph-zone consultation leaflet [pdf 522k].
0910 QBC initial announcement – see pages 1 and 5 of Spokes Bulletin 105 [pdf 2190k].
8303 Meadows Cycleway opens Photo [Cllr Gorrie with glasses] Spokes Bulletin 18, page1.
7902 Bristo Square Campaign to permit cycling UniSpokes leaflet [pdf]
7806 Campaign for Meadows Cycleway – Spokes report to Council [pdf from scan] Campaign flyer [pdf] Spokes exhibition at Meadows [photo: Left.. Meadows campaign organiser David Bellos; Centre.. Cllr Bob Cairns with Dave du Feu behind; Right.. Cllr Donald Gorrie].