This page contains approved transport & related policy documents from City of Edinburgh Council
See also these pages…
- Cycling and Active Travel policy
- Submissions on local transport policy by Spokes (and some others)
- Edinburgh Council Transport Committee
2410 ‘Future Edinburgh’ – Links to Council Transport & Place policies Apologies, this Spokes page has not been updated for some time. However, the above council page gives links to the current main transport/place policy areas and documents.
1710 Edinburgh Design Guidance [Council link] Standards for the design of new buildings. It now includes the Council’s Parking Standards for New Developments – see page 55 and the table on page 61.
1509 Edinburgh Street Design Guidance [Council link] Criteria for design of different types of street, to give greater priority to walk, cycle and public transport. This document will later be accompanied by detailed ‘factsheets’ on different aspects of street design, including cycling (due early 2018?)
1401 Edinburgh Local Transport Strategy 2014-19 [pdf 1.3MB] Major document setting out transport policies for next 5 years. Very useful to quote. Committee Report [pdf 1MB] See also our news article.
1401 Census 2011 – Edinburgh travel stats Figures unique in Scotland – rising bus, cycle, walk commuting; falling car-commuting; rising car-free households. The data [summary and full reports] are on our Census page.