July 2024

Spokes Bulletin 119 : £3m win for Lothians Councils

[Update 4.6.14 Sustrans Map showing the Community Links funding allocations] Out now!! Including… West Lothian & Edinburgh win big Sustrans funding; Edinburgh bikes up & cars down; Extending the Meadows cycleroute; Our summer competition with great prizes; HGV driver cycling training; Government cycling cash up 2014 but down 2015 … READ ON…


Facts on our roads as they are today

Cyclists do get fined, not just motorists The majority of motorists sometimes behave dangerously Cars are by far the greatest danger to pedestrians More facts in Spokes Bulletin 118, out March 1st… […]

Edinburgh SkyRide 7 Sept 2013

Thousands of people are expected to try out cycling on traffic-free roads in Edinburgh this Saturday 7 September…


‘Astounding’ comments by Sheriff

An Edinburgh man convicted of causing two separate cyclist deaths will be back on the roads in just 5 years, to the great concern of his last victim’s husband and everyone concerned with road safety. Comments by the sheriff have also shocked many and were branded by Edinburgh Council Leader Cllr Andrew Burns as “completely […]

Spokes Bulletin 115

Out now! … Edinburgh Council budget 2013/14, Princes Street pedestrian/cyclist huge potential [Jan Gehl], two victories on garden bike shed removal orders, ‘everyday cycling’ pictures, and loads more…


Get Britain Cycling: APPCG Inquiry

Spokes has responded to the UK All-Party Parliamentary Cycling Group’s Inquiry, “Get Britain Cycling” …


Spokes Bulletin 114

Out now! – the latest on Scottish cycle policy & funding, Edinburgh council projects 2012 & 2013, new shared paths flyer, facts & theories on bike use & safety,…


Edinburgh SkyRide 8 September 2012

Thousands of people are expected to try out cycling on traffic-free roads in Edinburgh on Saturday 8 September…


Spokesworker 17.06.12 : jammed!

The new Spokesworker [pdf 548k] is jam-packed with useful and interesting info, from Edinburgh cycling politics to reporting taxi incidents, from getting kids cycling to ordering PoP postcards. For previous issues see our Spokesworker page.

Helmets feedback & factsheet

The article about creeping helmet compulsion in Spokes 113 attracted wide interest from the media, though much less from individuals. Encouragingly, most of the coverage was balanced and was supportive or understanding of our position …
