Out now! … Edinburgh Council budget 2013/14, Princes Street pedestrian/cyclist huge potential [Jan Gehl], two victories on garden bike shed removal orders, ‘everyday cycling’ pictures, and loads more…
Spokes Bulletin 115 is hitting the doorsteps of all Spokes members, 1200 decision-makers across Scotland [including all Scottish MSPs and all Edinburgh+Lothians councillors] with copies for a further 10,000 other cyclists and interested individuals through bike shops, libraries etc throughout Edinburgh, Lothians and beyond. And of course it’s online…
Find Bulletin 115 on our Spokes Bulletin page. Articles &/or pictures in B115 include…
- [p7] Get your shopping by bike…
- [p3] Edinburgh Local Transport Strategy consultation – read our thoughts, submit your views online, and go to the Weds 6 March Central Library drop-in 9am-8pm.
- [p1] Edinburgh – Princes Street – pictures of present and ???future – sign the petition
- [p1] Edinburgh cycling budget: 6% of total transport 2013-14; and one example of the benefits
- [p6] Scottish Government cycling budget: 1% of total transport 2013-14
- [p4] Bike storage in gardens – two victories at appeal – what’s next?
- [p7] Staggering bike safety variations between road types
- [p6] Spokes NPF3 ideas – National Cycling Infrastructure project
- Bulletin 115 also has a centre-page pullout from Cycling Scotland with details on the CAPS Progress Report and Refresh, NPF3 national cycling project ideas, and more…
- Alongside Spokes 115, see Spokesworker 24.2.13.
- Members also receive in their mailout… info from Storybikes, St Andrews Ride, Stop Climate Chaos, Cycle Law Scotland, Pedal on Parliament; and a survey of member views on Princes Street and the Quality Bike Corridor. Don’t miss out next time – keep in touch and support Spokes by joining us now!!
If you could use printed copies of the Bulletin [e.g. for colleagues or bikes at your workplace] please join Spokes and ask for a supply.