Out now! … Government cycling cash; Garden storage victory ; Spokes annual cycling investment survey; Stop Climate Chaos supplement; Great Spokes maps offer; and loads more…
Spokes Bulletin 117 is hitting the doorsteps of all Spokes members, 1200 decision-makers across Scotland [including all Scottish MSPs and all Edinburgh+Lothians councillors] with copies for a further 10,000 other cyclists and interested individuals through bike shops, libraries etc throughout Edinburgh, Lothians and beyond. And of course it’s online…
Find Bulletin 117 on our Spokes Bulletin page. Articles &/or pictures in B117 include…
- [p1&6] Government cycle cash up – but little hope for 2020
- [p3] Garden bike storage – Spokes campaign victory
- [p6&7] Spokes 17th annual Scottish cycling investment survey
- [p5] Cycling is much safer – but it’s turning back. Why??
- [p5] Scottish justice fails victims – and endangers road users
- [p1] Edinburgh gets cash – for Leith Walk and North Meadow Walk
- [p2] Cycling with a Purpose – our photo competition winners
- [p8] Kirkpatrick MacMillan – bicycle inventor celebrated in Great Tapestry of Scotland
- [p1-p8] Lots more!!
- [centre pages] Stop Climate Chaos Scotland pullout supplement [pdf 2.8MB]
- Alongside Spokes 117, see the Stop-Press Action Update [pdf 120k]
- Members also receive in their mailout… an update from The Bike Station and a flyer for the October 30 gathering to call for realistic government investment in cycling and walking.
Special Christmas Maps Offer – page 4 of the Bulletin has a great special offer on Spokes maps of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Midlothian, East Lothian and West Lothian.
Don’t miss out on the next Spokes mailing – keep in touch and support Spokes by joining us now!!
If you could use printed copies of the Bulletin [e.g. for colleagues or bikes at your workplace] please join Spokes and ask for a supply.
Tramline Note … the Bulletin went to the printer before the recent Haymarket/ Shandwick Place road openings and consequent series of cycle crashes. See our website article Tramline Traumas.