February 2025

#SpokesMtg, May 24: “A City where you Don’t Need a Car”

Edinburgh City is consulting on a new Active Travel Action Plan (ATAP) and a series of other Mobility Plan ‘delivery documents’ (web links below) all aimed to support Edinburgh NetZero 2030, and a 30% reduction in car-km by 2030. Our public meeting will hear from the Council, followed by an expert critique, and then […]

Tramline Crash Reporting

Spokes now has an online-reporting tool for tramline crashes which, sadly, are all too frequent in Edinburgh. Also a new information sheet on how to reduce your chances of becoming a victim.


Postponed: SpokesMtg on new Edinburgh transport policy documents

Our planned Feb 24 meeting has been postponed – new date likely in May. The forthcoming public consultation is promised to contain a lot more detail on specific options than in the policy documents, and so it feels more productive to hold the public meeting once the consultation is underway.

Meanwhile you can see […]

Edinburgh Cycling: what will we see in ’23?

What can we expect locally for bike use and wider sustainable transport under Edinburgh’s new minority council? What will Spokes – and you! – need to support, to oppose, to provide, to improve or to highlight in order to encourage and speed up the move towards more sustainable and healthy places to live and […]