July 2024

Spokes map buff is back!

Some years ago Spokes sold a buff/snood/face-covering featuring part of our Edinburgh map and we’ve often been asked to do so again. Now it’s here! – this time with the section of our 2020 Midlothian map incorporating very roughly the Porty-Prestonpans-Dalkeith triangle, i.e. parts of Midlothian, East Lothian and Edinburgh City!


#SpokesMtg Thursday Nov 9 – update


#SpokesBB 2017 : Council to be “most cycle-friendly” in Edinburgh’s history

Speaking at Spokes’s 2017 Bike Breakfast, Cllr Adam McVey, incoming Council Leader, said the new Council would be the most cycle-friendly in Edinburgh’s history…


Nov 17 public mtg: Climate, Transport & Cycling

With the world climate summit in Paris in December, and huge climate marches in Edinburgh and across the globe on Nov 28/29, our autumn public meeting will consider the relationship between climate change and transport … from trunk roads to cycling … from national politics to how we commute…


Thanks for shopping – by bike!

Anyone shopping by bike at Edinburgh Farmers’ Market on June 21 received a thank-you goody-bag from Spokes, with contents supplied by generous stallholders…


Spokes EdFoC events: Bike Breakfast June 18; Thanks for Shopping June 21

The excellent annual Spokes Bike Breakfast will be between 7.45-9.45am on Weds 18 June in the City Chamber quadrangle on Edinburgh’s High Street…


Brilliant Bike Breakfast

This year’s June 19 Spokes Bike Breakfast was the best so far, with record numbers [sadly, breakfasts ran out before all were fed!] …


Get your Present before Xmas is Present

Spokes Maps of Edinburgh, the Lothians and Glasgow make perfect presents! [“I found a whole new Edinburgh thanks to the Spokes map”]. And we sell an Original Buff with an extract of the Edinburgh map…


Bike Breakfast record!

This year’s Spokes Bike Breakfast was a huge success with several hundred people – and an amazing one-third of Edinburgh City’s 58 councillors appearing, most of them arriving by bike…


Spokes Bike Breakfast – June 20

The excellent annual Spokes Bike Breakfast will be between 8-10am on Weds 20 June in the City Chamber quadrangle on Edinburgh’s High Street…
