Who should be able to get around by bike safely and conveniently??
- Youngsters with parents who are worried about safety
- Older people who maybe feel they are past it
- People of all cultures
- Women
- People living with disabilities
- People in difficult financial circumstances
- You … whoever you are
- Oh, and we nearly forgot, young adult male commuters!!
Our Public Meeting on November 15 will hear 5 minute introductions from people who are making things happen even in difficult circumstances – and how it could be so much better!
With speakers from…
- Edinburgh Leisure – Ageing Well
- Councillor Mark Brown – his e-bike revelations
- ELREC – Regional Equality Council
- ABC All-Ability Cycling & VIE Velo
- Bikes for Refugees
Then a one-hour audience Q/A and panel discussion … chaired by Spokes member Alison Johnstone MSP
- Where Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EL
- Date Thursday 15 November
- Time Starts 7.30, Ends 9.30. Doors open 6.45 for coffee, stalls and chat
Also at the meeting, before 7.30 and after 9.30…
- Spokes membership stall – join or renew
- Spokes stall – selling our lovely maps at special stall prices (now all on water-resistant paper except Midlothian map)
- Diversity Rules info stall – with materials from some of our speakers.
How you can help…
- Download our meeting poster (above) and pin it up at work or in your local shop or cafe. Spokes members and relevant organisations will be sent printed copies in our mailout at end October
- Retweet our tweet about the meeting and like our facebook posting
- When tweeting about the meeting use hashtag #SpokesMtg
- Come to the meeting!!