The Budget Bill will be debated in the Scottish Parliament on Jan 20, and a final vote is expected on 4 February.
Spokes has written to all MSPs on the Parliament’s all-party Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change Committee. We point out that the Scottish government for the 3rd year running appears to be ignoring the Committee’s recommendation of significantly increased funding for cycling and walking – and also for the 3rd year the similar recommendations of the government’s official advisory body, the Sustainable Development Commission [for more on the SDC reports see Spokesworker 5.12.09].
We explain the weak excuses the government has given in response to members of the public who have written in about this, and we ask MSPs to raise the issue forcibly in the budget debate and in the behind-the-scenes budget negotiations.
If you’ve not contacted your MSPs, it’s not too late. For advice, see our Dec 23 budget story.