We hope (and expect?) that the Transformation proposals (to be announced in mid-May) will mark a major change of the city centre and its approaches, to a much more pedestrian and bike-friendly place. Our June 14 public meeting will hear the details and early reactions – and give you a chance to have your say and influence how the details develop.
- Where Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EL
- Date Friday 14 June
- Time Starts 7.30, Ends 9.30. Doors open 6.45 for coffee, stalls and chat
Daisy Narayanan | Project Leader | The Transformation Proposals |
Cllr Chas Booth | Green Transport Speaker | Political response |
Chris Paton | Spokes Planning Group | Initial Spokes thoughts |
Dr Caroline Brown | The Urban Institute, Heriot-Watt University and EdFoC co-Director | One-hour audience Q/A & panel discussion |
Also at the meeting, before 7.30 and after 9.30…
- Spokes membership stall – join or renew
- Spokes stall – selling our lovely maps at special stall prices (now all on water-resistant paper except Midlothian map)
- Info stalls – tba.
Background to the Transformation…
How you can help…
- Download our meeting poster (above) and pin it up at work or in your local shop or cafe. Spokes members and relevant organisations will be sent printed copies – or ask us.
- Retweet our tweet about the meeting and like our facebook posting
- When tweeting about the meeting use hashtag #SpokesMtg
- Come to the meeting!!