September 2010

North Berwick trains: bike survey

If you use the North Berwick rail service (including to or from intermediate stations) please help in our survey of bike usage…

As part of our continuing campaign against reduced dedicated bike capacity on the new ScotRail North Berwick rolling stock due in Spring 2011, Spokes asks for your help in collecting bike usage data whenever you use this service.   Please use the form on our bike/rail downloads page.   We will use the results at the ScotRail cycle liaison meeting and at other useful opportunities.

Meanwhile Spokes has again written to the Transport Minister [pdf 64k] making a strong case for political intervention.   Amongst many other reasons argued in the letter, the train specification with its reduced dedicated bike capacity runs counter to the spirit of several Scottish Government policy documents – and yet the specification is approved by Transport Scotland,* which is now part of the Scottish Government!

If you use the North Berwick service and have not yet contacted your MSP please also consider doing so – our letter will give you loads of ammunition – but a shortish letter explaining how you are affected is likely to be particularly powerful.

For more bike/rail information see our bike/rail downloads page.

*This is not the first time that Transport Scotland has taken a ‘do minimum’ approach to bike/rail integration and to some other cycling issues, despite government policies on paper to encourage these.  Other examples include poor cycling facilities at the planned new Gogar rail/tram interchange (despite a large number of representations from individuals) and unwillingness to link the soon-to-be-reopened Bathgate/Airdrie railway path to some of the surrounding communities.

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