Spokes is looking to future developments in our bike storage in flats and tenements project. As part of this we need to identify how our forthcoming information materials can be used to best effect …
Update 27 September: The survey below will be closing shortly, once we have reached 100 responses, after which the responses will be analysed. If the survey link is no longer working, the survey has reached 100 responses. Many thanks to everyone who has participated – we have received very useful feedback. Of course, if you have any further information to pass on, or any queries about the project, please see our project downloads page (below) or email Spokes at spokesbikestorageATtusks.org.uk.
The printed and online Spokes fact-sheets on bike storage for flats and tenements will be available this autumn for residents, local groups, developers, councils and others to use to achieve practical solutions. As well as making the materials generally available, we’d now also like to identify particular problem areas and/or areas of opportunity, and possibly take further initiatives in those areas.
To support these Spokes efforts to get people on their bikes by improved bike storage, if you live in a flat or tenement please complete our bike storage online survey. A printable version is available on our bike storage project downloads page.
To enter a prize draw for a complete set of Spokes maps, leave your contact details at the end of the survey.
Please also pass this link on to anyone you think might be interested.
For survey afficionados, please note that this is of course not intended as a representative survey – it is rather to help identify particular problem and opportunity areas and categories.
Further project information:
Spokes Nov 25 Public Meeting on bike storage at home and at work
Spokes flats/tenements project downloads page + contacts for more info