Edinburgh City Council is consulting on the future of the Union Canal between Ratho and the City Centre…
[Dec 17 update: The Spokes response is now on our downloads – submissions – local page].
The towpath is a hugely valuable traffic-free link to the city’s heart. But its width makes considerate use by cyclists (and by all users) of supreme importance. The consultation recognises and supports use of the towpath as a cycle route.
The proposals include development ‘hubs’ at Ratho, Wester Hailes and between Harrison Park and the basin.
Public consultation workshops…
- Wednesday 3 November – Ratho Community Centre – 6pm
- Wednesday 17 November – Wester Hailes Library – 6pm
- Monday 22 November – Polwarth Parish Church – 6pm
- Wednesday 24 November – Tollcross Community Centre – 6pm
- Saturday 20 November – Reunion Canal Boat – Edinburgh Quay from 10am – 12pm, Harrison Park from 12.30 – 2.30pm. Feel free to take the trip down the canal with us between 12 and 12.30 or at 2.30pm
Consultation details and downloadable report…
Council address for all queries and comments…
Kate Hopper, City Development, Waverley Court, 4 East Market Street, Edinburgh, EH8 8BG, kate.hopper@edinburgh.go.uk.
Please make your own comments to the consultation…
[please also copy your comments to Spokes so we can take account of them – copy them to spokesATspokes.org.uk with ‘Canal consultation’ as the subject line]
If your time is short a brief email response is still very valuable, particularly emphasising why the canal and towpath are important to you / family / friends.
If you have a bit more time the consultation report includes a number of questions. If possible phrase your response around questions that concern you, but that is not essential. We suggest you consider including the following points…
- emphasising the value of the towpath
- suggest improved accesses/links to surrounding areas
- suggesting that the maps in the report should show cycle and pedestrian path links to the canal [making clear if any are pedestrian-only]
- ideas for reducing potential conflicts with other users [e.g. Fountainbridge cycle lanes, linked via Harrison Park, might slightly reduce towpath pressure in the busy inner canal section]
- responding to any of the detailed questions in the consultation which concern you.
Considerate cycling…