October 2010

Public Meeting: Tackling Bike Storage [updated 21 Oct]

The Spokes autumn public meeting on November 25 discusses the Spokes tenements bike storage project – and how to move forward with practical bike storage improvements at home and at work.

[Update 21 October: The bike storage public meeting poster [pdf 142k] is now available.  Copies will be sent to Spokes members in our 30 October Autumn mailout – or print your own cop(y)(ies) to pin up at work or in local shops etc]


* TPi Consultants – research for Spokes on bike storage solutions for tenements and flats
* Gary Bell, the Bike Station, Better Way to Work Project – bike parking at workplaces
* Angela Hull, TECS, Tollcross Energy & Carbon Saving Project – actual stairwell bike parking

Place and time:

* Augustine United Church, George IV Bridge
* Meeting starts 7.30. Doors open 6.45 for coffee, stall, displays and chat


* The bike storage information materials developed in our project will be available later in the year, thus enabling us to include any useful feedback from the meeting.  There may be displays from the Bike Station and from TECS at the public meeting.

Contacts for more information:

* Venue and meeting – Jackie Howlett – jackie.howlett3ATgooglemail.com 664 0526
* Spokes Bike Storage project – Katherine Ivory, spokesbikestorageATtusks.org.uk, 667 5576


Spokes has been awarded Climate Challenge Funding for a project to produce and disseminate information on how individuals and groups can achieve practical improvements in bike storage for tenements and flats – in-flat, in-stair, backgreen or on-street. TPi Consultants have been working with us, looking at the practical issues – including planning, management and legal issues – as well as the hardware options – to identify possible solutions for different situations. We are planning to make available extensive information and guidance materials based on this work, by late 2010 (free from our website) for use by individuals, stairs, developers, councils and others who are looking for the best way to live with a bike in their particular accommodation. We hope this will be a starting point in stimulating actual storage improvements to help and encourage people use bikes for everyday local journeys.

Spokes is very grateful to our many members and other individuals and organisations who have already contributed ideas and experiences to the project.  More info on our Tenements Project downloads page.

The TECS project has been granted limited funding from the Climate Challenge Fund to provide tenement bike racks in Tollcross area as part of its wider carbon-reducing activities. Our speaker Angela Hull is the TECS CHAIR.  Contact: enquiries@tecsedin.org.uk.

Also this year, the Bike Station has been running the CCF-funded Better Way to Work project, geared to assisting small and medium-size employers and their staff to shift from car-commuting to more sustainable means. Workplace bike parking has often proved to be a significant problem. Our speaker Gary Bell is the project manager.

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