February 2011

Edinburgh City Centre survey: now open to 14 March

Edinburgh’s City Centre Neighbourhood Partnership [ECCNP] is developing a new ‘community plan’ for the area, and seeks the views of anyone who “lives, works, studies in, or visits, the city centre” …

Update: The council survey is remaining open until 14 March – more replies are wanted.

ECCNP wants ideas to make the area “cleaner, greener, safer, better.”

You can complete the survey by clicking here [survey closes 14 February – NOW OPEN TILL 14 MARCH].

The NP has a limited budget for small improvements, and can also put forward more costly ideas to the council.   Its membership comprises representatives from Edinburgh Council, Lothian and Borders Police, NHS Lothian, the voluntary sector and the local community.

One of the survey questions indicates that 68 additional bike parking spaces have been installed in the central area since 2008 – that is certainly welcome, though anyone who shops by bike in the city centre will know of some very obvious gaps!

Last year, a survey by Spokes of 85 everyday cyclists identified the city centre, particularly Princes St and Picardy Place, as top priorities for action to encourage more bike use.  The ECCNP survey is a chance to put forward your ideas to make the central area more welcoming – i.e. “cleaner, greener, safer, better” !

Background information (for Edinburgh residents)…

What is a neighbourhood partnership?
Which NP do I live in?
Other related links [e.g. Community Councils]

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