Full details here. Here’s one tweet of many.
There will be a Spokes banner. Join us from 11.45 Middle Meadow Walk. Also visit our Spokes stall in the marquee at Princes St Gardens at end of the march.
On the same day, Spokes member Martyn Edelsten and 5 other intrepid cyclists set off to cycle from Edinburgh to Paris for the International Climate Summit, COP21. There is a great report on why Martyn is doing this in Edinburgh University’s Enlightened magazine.
Join Martyn and the others for his send-off on Saturday 28th, 9.30-10am, at the Bike Station with speeches from politicians. The 6 riders would also love to be accompanied for the first section of their ride – or any section, or even the whole ride!
After seeing Martyn off, come to Scotland’s Climate March – as above.