Latest: We’ve had some great entries (examples in this twitter thread) so we’re keeping the challenge open for the rest of 2021.
Enter our summer challenge and claim a Spokes Map of your choice or a Spokes Buff – or both. Everyone’s a winner!! At the same time, you’ll be helping Spokes by giving us useful feedback on some of the SfP schemes.
Your challenge is to visit either 3 or 4 of the SfP schemes in our list below, each of which must be in a different area, and send us comments (brief or extensive) on the scheme, plus a photo of yourself and/or your bike at each location, to prove you were there.
If you do this for 3 schemes, you can request a Spokes map of your choice or a Spokes Buff. If you do it for 4 schemes, you can request a map and a buff. We’d also welcome comments on more schemes, but you won’t earn further rewards.
You must read the full rules below carefully. Rewards will only be given if you have followed all the rules. Note that we are only offering one reward per household, so if you are a family only one entry is allowed.
If you’d like more than one map, your local bike shop is probably selling them (tell us if not!) and there are other ways to buy them at To buy buffs, see here.
- Visit either 3 or 4 SfP schemes from the list at the end of this article. Each scheme must be from a different section of the list. At each of your 3 (or 4) chosen schemes…
- get a photo of yourself and/or your bike, showing a bit of background or landmark to confirm where you are
- note down some comments on the scheme – as much detail as you like, but a minimum of 30 words for each scheme. Your comments should be constructive, for example saying what you liked and/or what needs improved or changed.
- Back at home, create a text or Word document containing..
- your name, full address including postcode, email address and (if possible) phone number
- your choice of reward
- your comments on each of your 3 (or 4) chosen schemes
- there is a template you can use here for your entry
- If possible, reduce each of your pictures to under 1MB if they are bigger, but don’t worry if you don’t know how to do this
- Please send your entry as one email, with the document and the pictures attached to the email
- Email your entry to:
- Only one entry per household.
- We will acknowledge receipt of your entry
- If you have followed the rules correctly, we will then send your reward, but please allow up to 4 weeks for this (we are all volunteers).
- By entering this challenge you give us permission to use your photos and name in any Spokes article, document or online
- Update: the challenge is now expected to run through the remainder of 2021, but we reserve the right to close it at any time
- You are very welcome to also send written comments (photos not needed) on other schemes in addition to your chosen 3 or 4. This may help Spokes in our own comments on schemes in future, but will not increase your reward
- Please help publicise the challenge by telling friends & colleagues and/or retweeting our tweet
- For Edinburgh SfP schemes, please choose from the map and lists below. The names of each scheme are in the lists below the map
- Note that our challenge only covers the cycleroute and road closure/ quiet road schemes on the map below. There are many other SfP schemes, but they are not included in our challenge. For a fuller list, see Council SfP interactive map (may not be fully up to date)
- To devise your route to each scheme you may need to use a detailed map, such as the Spokes Edinburgh map or online
- If you are including an SfP scheme from one of the Lothians Councils, you will need to identify it yourself – it must be a cycleroute or traffic-reduction scheme. In the table below the map we only list the few Lothians schemes that we know of.
- Each of your 3 (or 4) chosen schemes must be from a different section below. For example one each from north, south and west; or one each from south, east and Midlothian.
- Normal typeface means a (mainly) cycleroute scheme
- Italic typeface means a quiet road and/or road closure scheme
- N1 Silverknowes Road
- N2 Muirhouse Parkway+ Pennywell Road
- N3 Crewe Road South
- N4 Ferry Road
- N5 Granton, West Shore Road
- S1 Comiston Road
- S2 Causewayside + Mayfield Road
- S3 Minto Street + Craigmillar Park Road
- S4 Gilmerton Road
- S5 Morningside Road (uphill) + Bruntsfield (if still in place)
- S6 Greenbank to Bruntsfield Links (includes Braid Road closure)
- E1 Old Dalkeith Road
- E2 Duddingston Road + Dudd Rd West
- E3 London Road / A1
- E4 Canonmills+ Rodney Street (+Broughton St if in place)
- E5 Seafield Street
- E6 Links Gardens road closure (if still in place)
- E7 King’s Place (at the Prom)
- E8 Stanley Street/Hope Lane
- W1 Drumbrae North
- W2 Meadow Place Road
- W3 Inglis Green Road
- W4 Lanark Road
- W5 Slateford Road+Dundee Street
- W6 Queensferry Road
- W7 Cammo Walk (+ Maybury Road crossing)
Below are two SfP schemes, but you may choose another that you know if it is a Spaces for People scheme which is intended in whole or part to help cycling. You may find some on the Council SfP web page here (see green entries in the map at bottom of that page)
- EL1 Musselburgh, Electric Bridge
- EL2 Cockenzie-Prestonpans (Edinburgh Road, at old power station)
Sorry we don’t have a list, but choose a scheme that you know. It must be a Spaces for People scheme which is intended in whole or part to help cycling
Below are three SfP schemes, but you may choose another that you know if it is a Spaces for People scheme which is intended in whole or part to help cycling
- WL1 Linlithgow, Edinburgh Road
- WL2 Linlithgow, St Ninians Road
- WL3 Bathgate Hills to Winchburgh, speed limit reduced 60–>40mph