March 2010

Bulletin 106 – Cycling investment falling

Cycling investment across Scotland risks falling in every year of office of the SNP government – but there are positive signs at Edinburgh Council.

The Spring Spokes Bulletin 106 is out, highlighting the impact of the SNP government’s recently approved Scottish budget 2010/11 – and a remarkable parallel with 1996 when the then Scottish Conservative administration set a bold target to raise cycle use and issued a Cycle Action Plan – but allocated no new money, except through their ever-increasing trunk roads budget [And, need we say, bike use didn’t grow!]

Locally, things are looking more positive than for some time, under Edinburgh’s new transport convener Cllr Gordon Mackenzie, transport director Marshall Poulton, and a fully staffed cycle team.   How serious is the council?  Come to the Spring Spokes public meeting to see what you think and to put forward your own comments.

Also in Bulletin 106…

– Bikes everywhere €“ pictures
– Bikes and public transport €“ rail, tram & bus news
Scottish Planning Policy €“ very useful document when commenting on planning applications, planning policies, etc.
– Plenty more news, events and things to do…
– Sustrans Scotland €“ Edinburgh/Lothians developments
Bike Station 4-page supplement [pdf 4104k] [this forms pages 8-11 of the printed Bulletin, but online it is a separate download.  Page 12 of the printed Bulletin becomes page 8 of the online version.]

Also just publishedSpokesworker 24.2.10 – includes…

– ways to donate to Spokes when you renew membership
tram TROs
– tenement bike parking project application
– history of St Andrews annual LEPRA ride
– more events, including Apr 6 transport talk by Green MSP Patrick Harvie
– future of Princes St, St James Centre and Picardy Place
– and more€¦

Spokes members will also receive in their mailing…

Special offer for members – flyer for signed copies of Lesley Riddoch‘s book on her BBC Radio cycling expedition Riddoch on the Outer Hebrides
– Flyers for St Andrews ride and Sestran Megacycle
– Cycling in the Pentland Hills leaflet-map
– [if requested] Extras of Spokes Bulletin and/or public meeting poster, for colleagues at work, parked bikes, local shop windows, etc [thanks for your help if so!]

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