This year’s annual Spokes summer competition has been launched…
We want you to come up with a bright idea (in words and/or a sketch) for an artwork which would add to the interest on one of the bike paths in Edinburgh or the Lothians
There are 9 excellent prizes, some of which are art-related, others bike-related, others look more obscure, even one coming right out of the blue!
We hope to exhibit the winning entries – possibly at our autumn public meeting, or possibly more widely. We will also pass them on to other relevant organisations who may be considering installing actual artworks – so there’s even a slight chance that a truly amazing idea could end up as an actual project for everyone to see (and/or experience?)
For full details of rules, prizes and other information, download the information sheet from our 2010 competition downloads page. Prizewinners and hopefully prizewinning entries will appear there once the results are announced.
Note that our downloads – competitions page also includes the results of our 2009 £1m competition, and we hope to get round to putting up the results of earlier competitions too.