The excellent annual Spokes Bike Breakfast will be on between 8-10am on 23 June in the City Chamber quadrangle on Edinburgh’s High Street…
Please download the Bike Breakfast poster [pdf 400k] and print out any copies you can put up at work, local shops, or elsewhere.
As well as breakfast on your way to work, there will be our biggest ever range of stalls, councillors to lobby, police bike security coding and much more. Transport Convenor Cllr Gordon Mackenzie will give a short speech [probably around 8.45] doubtless mentioning the Cycling Action Plan now being worked up by the Council.
The Bike Co-op will be there with a ‘Make your own Smoothie’ – please note there is a mistake in the forthcoming Spokes Summer Bulletin – the Bike Coop is bringing the smoothie maker and shop discount vouchers – but not the bike-oiling stated in the Bulletin.
The summer Spokes mailout goes out on 12 June and all members should receive Spokes Bulletin 107 and poster copies soon after that. The Bulletin features the need for the city centre to be made more bike friendly – particularly Princes Street and Picardy Place; and it includes our annual funding survey showing the state of cycling investment in Scotland last year 2009/10, and our predictions for the current year 2010/11. If the future of Princes St and Picardy Place concern you, read the article in our Bulletin, then take the opportunity of the Bike Breakfast to put your concerns to the councillors who turn up – just ask around and you’ll soon find some!
The Spokes Bike Breakfast is part of National Bike Week. For more events, see the NBW national website [which allows you to search for local events] and the Changing Pace NBW local website.