The Spokes Spring Public Meeting will be a hustings for the May 5th Holyrood elections – with an exciting line-up of speakers, and a new format to enable maximum testing of and engagement with each candidate!!
Candidates for the Parliament from the 5 main parties will each speak for 5 minutes about cycling in the context of their wider transport policies. They will then spend 10 minutes each in subgroups of the audience, so that each candidate gets a real grilling – by you!!
Party representatives…
- Conservative : Iain McGill : Ed Central candidate [not Ed North as stated in the Spokes Bulletin]
- Green : Cllr Steve Burgess : Lothians List candidate
- Labour : Sarah Boyack MSP : Ed Central, Spokes member
- LibDem : Cllr Gordon Mackenzie : Lothians List candidate, Convener of Ed Council Transport Committee
- SNP : Marco Biagi : Ed Central candidate
Where… Augustine United Church, George IV Bridge , Edinburgh
Date… March 23
Time… 7.30; open 6.45 for coffee, stall, exhibition and chat
More info… 661 9763
Poster… Please download a poster [pdf 144k] if you can print and display them at your work, local shops, etc. Copies will be sent to Spokes members with their Feb 26 mailout.
Latest election news
Party manifestos will not be published until nearer the election, but some parties have issued ‘pre-manifestos’ or policy documents, and most have responded to a questionnaire from Stop Climate Chaos Scotland. An article based on these sources will appear in the Spokes Spring Bulletin [no.109] published on 26th February.
The SCCS election campaign is well underway, with a manifesto whose transport section is supported by Spokes, Climate Cafe public hustings in various towns around Scotland [including Edinburgh and Haddington] in March, and an online debate on 13 April.
Spokes Feb 26th mailing
In addition to the Spokes Bulletin, members will also receive in their mailing the new Spokes bike storage factsheet, the latest bike/rail leaflet, info about Sestran Megacycle, and more…