June 2012

Factsheet: Get your Child Cycling

There’s a great new Spokes factsheet for parents wanting to help their children get cycling independently …

The new factsheet How to get your Child Cycling  focuses on the practical aspects of everyday cycling for children old enough to cycle on their own bikes, and aims to encourage more families to think about everyday cycling.

Last year we ran the Weans on Wheels project, featuring our factsheet How to be a Cycling Family, to assist everyday bike trips (such as commuting) when you have children too young to use a bike of their own.   Parents who participated in that project were also keen for support in getting slightly older children to cycle independently, both for transport and for fun – hence our new factsheet.

Both factsheets are downloadable from our Everyday Cycling with Kids  page.   Printed copies are also available …

  • From Spokes stalls at summer events (e.g. periodically at the Edinburgh Castle Terrace Saturday Farmers’ Market)
  • By post.  Email familycyclingATspokes.org.uk, or write to Spokes.

For further information and resources relevant to family cycling, see…

Future Ideas

We welcome feedback and suggestions on this project, and ideas for further topics.

One idea is to develop information materials aimed at young people themselves, in addition to the existing factsheets above, which are aimed mainly at parents.  Involving young people is of course vital to ensure that the content and format appeal!  Already a group of S3 -S4  pupils from Firrhill High School Environment Group have been working with Spokes and have come up with a great project name – the Wheel Deal – and some creative ideas for presenting information.  There is a report on page 3 of Spokes Bulletin 113.  Further updates in due course as the project progresses – but please contact us if you would like to get involved in the project.

Please contact Spokes if you have ideas for using either factsheet – e.g. with a youth group or through a school – or if you’d like to help with the project in any other way.   Email  familycyclingATspokes.org.uk.


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