With the likelihood of additional Scottish Government cycling investment Spokes has issued a discussion paper on how cycling infrastructure investment could be implemented in the period up to 2020…
The aim is for cycling and walking to become the primary transport mode for everyday local journeys in communities of all sizes throughout Scotland – to work, the shops, entertainment venues, school, visiting friends, and so on.
See our discussion paper here [pdf 160k]. The paper includes references to relevant data and evidence.
In particular, we are calling for…
- Funding to enable early large-scale demonstration projects by those councils who already possess, or can rapidly develop, the necessary skills and political commitment.
- Continued and enhanced existing funding methods, to ensure a basic level of implementation and experience in every council across Scotland.
- Measures to reduce the desirability of short car trips.
With changing trends in cyclist road casualties we also call for…
- Research into why the long-term decline in cyclist serious casualties has ceased, although the parallel decline in motoring casualties is continuing.
- Recognition by government that different types of road are very different indeed in terms of safety – and this to be reflected in cycling policy, in terms of infrastructure, legal changes, and the messages given to the public.
- To tackle urban main roads, safe infrastructure is needed. To tackle fast rural roads in the short term needs Strict Liability and, as appropriate, measures such as lower speed limits and average speed cameras.
If you support our ideas you can email your MSPs using www.writetothem.com.