Big change needs big schemes – but many little things can be done quickly to make cycling life better. For example, a flush kerb, an employer initiative, signs, landscaping, blocking a rat-run, allowing two-way cycling in a quiet one-way street, maybe something really innovative. Ideas likely to cost up to a few £1000s, so not a new cycleroute or a roundabout rebuild.

Page 1 of entry form. See links below to download complete form.
Send us your top idea (or two) to boost bike use at low cost – you could win a great prize plus some modest fame, and maybe even get your idea implemented.
We will attempt to pass on each prizewinning idea to the body that could implement it – and Edinburgh Transport Convener Cllr Lesley Macinnes has already promised to consider those which concern the Council.
Your entry must be about a specific possibility, place or idea in Edinburgh or Lothian – for example, something a particular employer or shop or council could do – not a general plea for more flush kerbs or for bike-friendly employers.
Importantly, you must also say why it’s such a great idea – we will be judging the “why” as much as the “what.”
Your entry must fit an A4 sheet, but apart from that it’s up to you. Words alone are fine, even just one superb sentence, but pictures, a diagram, etc often add value.
It’s easy to enter – but please carefully read our full entry form, downloadable below, which has the full rules on it.
As with all our recent competitions, entries will appear on our website (anonymous except for prizewinners) and hopefully will help improve conditions, provide new ideas, and get more people using bikes more often.
Prizes include the great selection below. The top winner gets to choose their prize from the list, second chooses second, and so on.
- ScotRail: Return standard class ticket for 2 between any 2 Scottish stations
- Edinburgh Bike Coop: £50 Edinburgh Bicycle voucher
- Edinburgh Festival of Cycling: day hire of Urban Arrow cargo bike
- Laidback Bikes: free place on a recumbent tour in Edinburgh
- Camera Obscura & World of Illusions: Family day ticket [2 prizes]
- Kalpna Indian Veg restaurant: £20 voucher
- Bike Trax: £30 voucher
- Filmhouse: Tickets for 2
- Sustrans Scotland: Any 5 maps of Sustrans Scotland ‘Pocket Cycle Map’ series
- Craigie’s Farm Deli/Cafe: £15 hamper + £10 voucher
Even if you don’t win a prize… the next 10 runner-up entries will get to choose a free Spokes map.
For detailed rules, prizes, how to send in your entry, and other information, download the entry form – here in pdf or Open Office [.odt] and Word 97 [.doc] formats. Please do read the rules carefully before entering.
The competition closes on Sunday 3 September. Each person is allowed 2 entries.
Important – This is a locally-based competition. Your entry must be based in Edinburgh or the Lothians.
Spokes may use some or all entries on our website, in our Bulletin, or in other ways – by entering the competition you agree to this. For example, in 2015 we produced a booklet of prizewinning favourite rides.
Judging will be by Spokes Resources Group, assisted by an outside expert.
For further fun and inspiration have a look at our competitions page which has the results of previous competitions, such as cycling jokes, cycling recipes, and how I’d spend £1m to get more people on bikes. Results of the 2016 competition will also appear on that page once the results are announced in September.