July 2024

Strict liability, folders on buses, local links

There are more updates to the website…


Spokes website new pages

Several website pages have been created or have had big updates recently. Here are some that may interest you…


Scottish Budget 2010-11: nearing the end

The Budget Bill will be debated in the Scottish Parliament on Jan 20, and a final vote is expected on 4 February.


Spokesworker 28.12.09

The new Spokesworker contains fascinating data about coloured surfacing in Edinburgh, more on Princes Street, a project to boost green commuting at local workplaces (yours?) and more …


Scottish Budget 2010-11: no progress yet

There is no sign of the Scottish Government paying attention to the recommendations of the all-party Parliamentary Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change Committee.


Tramline tribulations, advice & documents

Following the re-opening of Princes Street, quite a few cyclists are known to have come off due to skidding on tramlines or getting wheels trapped in them.


Spokes Public Meetings

There’s now a downloads page under the above downloads tab with links to reports of the last 6 Spokes public meetings.


Spokes 2009 competition – results

The full results of our competition are now online…


Plans for Exchange 2 [Dewar Place etc]

A masterplan is being drawn up for the area between Dewar Place, and the Conference Centre square.


Cycling and tramlines – training session Sun 13

The Bike Station and TIE are holding a familiarisation/training session for cycling near and across tramlines on Sunday 13th.
