Do you need to use a bike for every-day travel, whilst also transporting small children? Spokes is producing new resources to help…
1. We have just completed the Spokes fact-sheet on family cycle-commuting [pdf 1049k]. This provides parents, particularly of young children, with ideas on how to use bikes for whole-family every-day transport, with real-life case-studies to provide added inspiration. Some limited information on suppliers, and updates to the factsheet will be on our family cycling downloads page.
Feedback and comments are very welcome – email
2. We’re looking for a volunteer to help compile further supplier information into a suppliers’ database to go with the fact-sheet (similar to the suppliers’ database on our bike storage downloads page). Please get in touch if you’d be interested in doing this.
3. If you work for a company registered with the Bike Station’s Better Way to Work project and you’d like to try some family-cycling options, the Bike Station might be able to loan you some equipment: Burley child trailers, child seats and tag-alongs, as well as adult bikes.
4. Weans on Wheels project … Spokes and the Bike Station have received a joint grant from Cycling Scotland for a project to encourage family cycle-commuting, and in particular to support parents with children too young to go on their own bike. The project will include equipment demonstrations at nurseries and schools – child seats, tag-alongs, trailers etc – as well as whole-family have-a-go sessions with trainers. The aim is to build awareness, skills and confidence through showing, in a hands-on way, that there are realistic (and fun, healthy and educational) alternatives to the old car-based daily travel routine for play-group / nursery / school etc.
The practical side of this project will be undertaken largely by the Bike Station’s trained staff, but Spokes would be very pleased to hear from anyone interested in getting involved, especially with the organisational and promotional side – please email