The Spring Spokes Bulletin asks what concrete actions to boost cycle use we’ll see in Edinburgh in year 2020, and what the plans and intentions are between now and 2030?
At Scottish level, what do the experts say on the relationship between transport and climate? – and is the Scottish Government listening? – especially in its draft budget for 2020/21.
The Bulletin is on its way to Spokes members, to 1200 decision-makers across Scotland* and to another 10,000+ interested people through bike shops, libraries and so on throughout Edinburgh, Lothian and beyond.
*including all 129 Scottish MSPs, all 132 Edinburgh+Lothians councillors, transport consultants, health officials, etc, etc.
Click here for links
- Bulletin 136 [5.6MB pdf]
- Local Campaigning factsheet [pdf]
- Find all Bulletins
Articles & pictures in B136 include …
- Edinburgh – what’s happening in 2020? See also here
- Edinburgh – ambitions for 2022, 2025, 2030
- Scot Govt – what its own commissioned reports say about transport & climate
- Climate – wisdom from age and youth
- School news – safe routes policies, school bike hire, a car-free school and bike-buses
- Bikes on rail, tram and bus – the good, the bad and the disappointing
- Spokes maps – Midlothian and Edinburgh map news
- and in the printed Bulletin, a supplement, Local Bike Campaigning – real life stories of the multifarious ways in which people act to get better cycling conditions – also available separately as a pdf here.
- and if you are a Spokes member your mailing also includes …
- A copy of the Inner Tube cycle map new edition [offroad routes including the new Little France routes]
- Flyers for Spokes map offers, Sustrans workplace challenge and the Edinburgh-St Andrews ride.
How You can help Spokes
- Please retweet our tweets about the new Bulletin and the Public Meeting.
- Having more members helps us – and we hope to help you in return by keeping you in touch with what’s happening and what you can do about it! You’ll get a roughly-monthly email in addition to the thrice-yearly Bulletin.
- We have spares of the new Bulletin for bike leafleting at workplaces, shops etc – let us know if you could use a supply. Many Spokes members take a regular supply of each issue for their local workplace, shops or other useful destinations. We also have plenty spares of the public meeting poster.