July 2024

Thurs 5 May: 2022 Council Elections

Council elections are approaching and are critical to cycling and transport policies and budgets for the next 5 years.   We’ll tell you here how to make the most of the election opportunity locally. Please use our info to contact and try to influence your own candidates. Send us any useful replies you receive from […]

Edinburgh covid street schemes

Jump to the relevant section here Background documents Processes towards making SfP schemes permanent, March-Sept 2021 Experimental Traffic Orders, Nov 2021–> Cycle lanes, road closures and related Town Centres School schemes Bus (BPRDF) schemes Notes about this page This page covers schemes related to the covid19 pandemic and using Scottish Government / Sustrans Spaces […]

UK General Election 2019

With virtually all cycling-related policy now a Scottish rather than a UK responsibility we are not asking individual candidates for statements or holding a hustings for the UK General Election. However, as always, we tell you which candidates are Spokes members and give any useful further information including local hustings organised by others.


7-4 decisions on West-East route & road resurfacing policy

Edinburgh City Council’s June 20 Transport & Environment Committee has moved the CCWEL project on to the next stage and agreed some small but useful improvements to resurfacing policy – both by 7-4 votes, opposed by Conservatives and Lib Dems.


UK General Election 2017

Information and links …


Thu 4 May: Council Elections

Council elections are approaching and are critical to cycling and transport policies and budgets for the next 5 years. We’ll tell you here how to make the most of the election opportunity locally …


East-West Route : it’s Option A at Roseburn!!

All parties on Edinburgh City Council have agreed the direct, main-road, cycleroute at Roseburn, rather than the Option B back-street alternative.


PoP 2016 biggest ever!!

The biggest & best PoP ever … literally thousands of people, all calling for proper investment in cycling as an everyday means of transport …

photo: beqi at flickr.com


Bike/rail cuts: opposition mounts

Our tweet about Transport Scotland’s bike/rail cuts is now easily our most popular ever, with 95 retweets already

Update 28 March: nearly 150 retweets and many appalled comments (a selection below). Also in the national press…

The Herald online 29.03.16. Full story in Herald printed paper.


City Centre East-West route

Consultation on Edinburgh’s planned major new cycleroute ends on February 1st. It is vital for you to respond to the consultation…

Stop Press 28.1.16: The full Spokes submission is here. It begins, “SPOKES compliments the Council on its ambition in producing these proposals, which we warmly welcome.” We thank the many Spokes members who worked […]