Thanks if *you* emailed your councillors, after our campaign – you helped change the day!
Continue reading Positive tramline decision!!
Thanks if *you* emailed your councillors, after our campaign – you helped change the day! Continue reading Positive tramline decision!!The February 1st Transport Committee has several massive reports on the future of transport and getting about in Edinburgh, much of which we strongly endorse. There’s a great twitter thread about them here. However they are accompanied by a wholly unexpected proposal to remove cycling from a 2km Roseburn section of the North Edinburgh Network when the tram is extended to Granton – although a walking/wheeling path the same 3m width as the existing will remain. Continue reading !! Proposal to ‘discourage’ (or remove?) cycling from 2km of North Edinburgh NetworkWhat can we expect locally for bike use and wider sustainable transport? What will Spokes – and you! – need to support, oppose, provide, improve or highlight in order to speed up the move towards more sustainable and healthy places to live and get about? This article outlines a few of the topics which we expect to matter in 2024, locally and for cycling in particular (though there’s a lot we’ve not had time to include). Continue reading What’s in store for 24? – it’s mainly wait and see!Check out our HNY 2024 tweet here! Despite a rise in active travel funding in the draft budget, the overall transport picture was not what is needed in a climate emergency – and already transport is Scotland’s worst performing sector in terms of climate emissions. Indeed, the increase in trunk road cash (£210m) almost equals the total of active travel investment (£220m) whilst some other sustainable transport areas have seen significant cuts. Continue reading ScotGov Budget 24/25: not what transport needsThe biannual Spokes traffic count, on November 7, found a continuing (but small) rise in bike traffic, and a continuing (but small) fall in private motor traffic, as compared to November 2022. As a result, bikes between 8-9am rose to 14.8% of all vehicles, from 14.5% in 2022; and to 8.4% from 7.9% at our lunchtime (1230-1330) count. Continue reading November Traffic Count – small (but positive!) changeThe Scottish Government’s 23/24 PfG is very much ‘steady as she goes,’ although given the growing climate crisis more was hoped for. SCCS pointed to “few, if any, new measures to deliver emissions’ reductions .. in the context of Scotland missing annual targets in eight of the past twelve years.” Specifically on cycling, Cycling UK Scotland noted “#ScotPfG features bikes on the front page but inside no new commitments.“ On the other hand, the PfG does at least provide a massive positive contrast with Rishi Sunak‘s distressing retreats on climate, including his previously announced drastic cuts to active travel cash in England. Continue reading Programme for Government 23/24 – little changeStoring your bike, or family bikes, is impossibly hard for some people and a doddle for others (until a thief calls!) Our Summer Competition showed just how important it is, but also how complex and difficult it can be, and how it depends so much on personal circumstances such as where you live and whether you rent or own your home. People lucky enough to have a garage, or secure outside space, can own multiple bikes, whereas others may find storing even one bike is a real challenge. [Later: factsheet based on the competition entries] Continue reading Bike Storage at Home: #SpokesComp resultsWe are very sad to hear of the sudden death of Professor Chris Oliver, well known as “Cycling Surgeon.” A long-standing member and proactive supporter of Spokes, his professional and personal life contributed greatly to both understanding and promotion of the public health value of cycling. Continue reading @CyclingSurgeon #RIPThe 5th edition of our highly praised East Lothian Cycle Map is out!! The whole county was surveyed by Spokes volunteers, and the map then completely revised and updated in a lengthy and highly detailed process by a skilled cartographer from our maps group – entirely voluntarily. Continue reading East Lothian #SpokesMap – 5th edition! |