July 2024

Shopping the Dutch way wins our competition

Three of the top 10 entries in our Shopping by Bike competition, including the first prizewinner, took their inspiration from the Netherlands…


Spokes Bulletin 125: Cycling & Health

In our Summer issue, out now… Bikes up & cars down in Edinburgh; Cycling & Health public meeting; Holyrood election implications; Shopping by Bike; and loads more … read on!! …


Public Mtg calls for Train/Bike space

Over 100 people came to our summer public meeting to talk about bike/rail integration. The overwhelming concern during an extensive QA session following the presentations was about bike carriage on trains – space and certainty for passengers, and opportunities for operators…


Bikes & Rail: June 15 Spokes public meeting

Dutch company Abellio is now running ScotRail. What does this mean for bike/rail? What else is happening locally and in Scotland for bike/rail? Our headline speaker is Des Bradley, Transport Integration Manager for Abellio ScotRail.


Super(?)markets Bikepark Project

Nipping down to your local shop or supermarket by bike can be so quick and simple. It provides your daily dose of physical activity and helps the city keep down congestion and pollution. So why do some stores make bikes into second class citizens?


Spokes Bulletin 121: Cash cut averted?

Out now!! Including – A little more cycling cash in Government budget; Edinburgh Council cycle budget now 8% of transport!; City Centre feature; shocking Council retreat on bus lanes; Glasgow v. Edinburgh; Superhighways in London (and Edinburgh?) … Read on …


Leith Street cycling future – or not?

The cycling future of Leith Street is up for grabs in the St James Quarter proposals. A segregated cycleroute up from Picardy Place will end at Calton Road, with no connection to Princes Street…


Spokes Bulletin 120 : Budget flim-flam

Out now!! Including – More on the 15/16 government budget mess-up; Cycling development in the Lothians – supplement & public meeting; our annual councils’ funding survey; and masses more…


A new Bike-Rail era?

The franchise to run ScotRail from 1st April 2015 has been won by the Dutch Abellio Group, promising a wide range of bike-rail improvements…


Spokes Bulletin 118

Out now! … Edinburgh progress in sustainable transport; Preventing Haymarket tramline crashes; Transport & Planning: failure in joined-up thinking; Council Local Transport Strategy supplement; Everyday bike use pictures; and loads more…
